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Four Quadrant Model
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integral theory real-time journaling na 8"x8" na 03.06
The Really, Really Big Picture
Cliche aside, I have always been a Big Picture thinker. I'm the one in the group finding the connections, overlaps, trying to put all the pieces together.

I'm the luckiest gal in the world, because my work as a graphic facilitator allows me to use my thinking and drawing skills to draw the Big Picture for groups of people. I love that when I'm drawing at a big piece of paper in front of a group of people, that I am building their Big Picture for them. I help them see the whole of their problem (it's complexity and patterns) so they can solve it.

I love that my work introduces me to all sorts of tools and methodologies that smart folks have developed with that shared goal of helping people understand each other and solve problems.

Recently, my colleague Sari Gluckin introduced me to Integral Theory. She was excited to learn about a four quadrant model that would enrich her facilitation work. She pointed me to the Integral Institute website and after three pages on the Integral Approach and I was smitten with the ideas.

Okay, I'm very new to integral theory myself. I'm also very excited about it. So, I hope my enthusiasm compensates for any inaccuracies. There's this really, really smart fella named Ken Wilber. He reads about a bajillion things and reads them not to figure out who's right and who's wrong, but how all these pieces of human consciousness and knowledge fit into a whole. Wilber is working towards a Theory of Everything. I'm impressed with Wilber's vast amounts of scholarship and of production and that within those two disciplines he's always crediting every idea's source and invites people to challenge his proposals. He wants that Theory of Everything to be as comprehensive as possible.

Okay, okay. So, what I'm really geeked out about is Wilber's Four Quandrant model in his book The Theory of Everything. Here's the text version from the source, which is too well explained to compete with. Here's the essence of the model:




See? Brilliant, eh? It holds everything. Yeah, it makes perfect sense to me, because I think in models and images like this. If you're scratching your head, try this page.

This weekend I partook in I-WET. The acronym makes me feel like I'm doing something dirty, but it stands for Integral Weekend Experiential Training. I'll confess - the weekend felt too Upper Left quandrant for my theory-adoring self. I drew the four quadrants for myself:

I admit it's kinda gilding the lily, but I think the images support those tiny but vast words I, IT, WE, ITS.

Here's a quick, scribbled on a napkin version I use when I corner people and tell them what I'm working on and learning:

Graphic facilitator Brandy Agerbeck creates conceptual maps of conversations. Since 1996, her drawing and thinking skills have facilitated groups of 2 to 1000 across industries. Brandy's images help people navigate the complex world around them and bring clarity to their work.

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