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graphic facilitation

While proud of my epic portfolio page, I understand you may not have hours to pour over my work. Here's a very quick tour.

First things first -
 Intro to Graphic Facilitation

Personal Work:
real-time, large scale

My absolute favorite work is drawing real-time in events on giant sheets of paper for groups of people. Work I do 90% of the time.

Though drawn without an audience, I hope these two familiar subjects will help you understand what I do.

 The Wizard of Oz
4'x6', 101 min
Click your heels three times to get to this classic movie's image
Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth
3'x3', 100 min
Summary of this crucial documentary on global warming

Client Work:
real-time, large scale

Two samples straight from client events. Both have good supporting text explaining how my images were integrated with the agendas.

Newark Green Future Summit
2 days, 300+ people
public conference on city revitalization & the environment
Training in the Belbin Team Roles
1 day, 12 people
team building workshop with a financial services company

Client Work:
not real-time, small scale

Occassionally I do non-event work. A bit of a hybrid of what's above and below.

Innovation Centers
11"x 8.5" 5 hrs of work,
unpublished synthesis illustration of a
18 page PDF on the topic of Innovation

Summary Graphics
One of my strengths is synthesis. My brain is never happier than when it's taking complex information and figuring out how to represent it simply and clearly.

When clients need a summary graphic, sometimes we work virtually, other times I'm hired at my day rate to work onsite.

Graphic Facilitation Business Cards
Describing the complexity of my work on a

2" x 3.5"canvas
Spiral Dynamics Model
11"x 8.5" single page illustrating a human development theory
My 6 Tenets
4"x 6"personal model of the Big Stuff I Believe In. If you do too, fantastic.

More Information
Like what you see? Here's lots of details about how we can work together. The former is visual, the latter text based.

You're welcome to skip these and contact me. I am always happy to answer questions and talk more.

Working Together
A gameboard of a project from start to finish. Chock full of detailed logistics.
Frequently Asked Questions
Fairly exhaustive of questions asked, answered.

Terms of Art
Graphic facilitation has been in existence several decades. Still, our work is new to most people. What it's called is often a mystery.

Here are some other names for my work:

brainstorm mapping
concept mapping
concept mapper
conference mapping
conference mapper
conference visuals
conference drawings
conversation mapping
conversation mapper
corporate art
corporate artist
dialogue mapping
dialogue mapper
flipchart artist
graphic capture
graphic recording
graphic recorder
group graphics
idea capture
ideation mapping
information murals
keynote drawings
keynote artist
knowledge mapping
knowledge mapper
knowledge maps
live illustration
live illustrator
live meeting notes
meeting mapping
meeting mapper
meeting maps
meeting visuals
onsite visuals
process art
process artist
real-tme illustration
real-time illustrator
visual communication
visual communicator
visual facilitation
visual facilitator
visual meetings
visual notetaking
visual notetaker
visual thinking
visual thinker
visual translation
visual translator

If you have any questions about my work and how we could work together, please contact me. You can also take a look at my Introduction to Graphic Facilitation page, my introductory video and my FAQs. My portfolio has tons of examples of my work since 1996.

Thanks for viewing!


Graphic facilitator Brandy Agerbeck creates conceptual maps of conversations. Since 1996, her drawing and thinking skills have facilitated groups of 2 to 1000 across industries. Brandy's images help people navigate the complex world around them and bring clarity to their work.

GF Portfolio Home | Intro to Graphic Facilitation | Working Together | FAQ

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