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The Wizard of Oz
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home graphic facilitation n/a 4'x6' 1h 40m 06.05
This portfolio piece demonstrates two things. First, it is content familiar to anyone who has seen The Wizard of Oz. A difficulty in viewing graphic facilitation portfolios is that you are only viewing the end product. You have no frame of reference for what the process was like. A vital part of this work is capturing the content of the group and organizing it to bring more clarity and meaning to the event. Only in experiencing the live graphic facilitation can you appreciate the artifact of the final drawing. I created this piece with familar content to make the process more understandable. Secondly, these images were originally created for a workshop for the Midwest Faciltators Network. The topic was visual and spatial tool for faciltiators. I created a document of a spectrum of 8 tools from strict text through Powerpoint, flipcharts, post-it notes, templates, mindmaps, graphic recording to graphic facilitation. I used The Wizard of Oz as the content for every step to compare apples to apples. I also use these two drawings side by side to differentiate my drawing style and level of organization and synthesis to a common approach in the industry. There is plenty of space in this field for different styles and processes — and it is critical we each represent our distinct approach to our clients. We can't be compared apples to apples.

Graphic facilitator Brandy Agerbeck creates conceptual maps of conversations. Since 1996, her drawing and thinking skills have facilitated groups of 2 to 1000 across industries. Brandy's images help people navigate the complex world around them and bring clarity to their work.

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