met Sari
Gluckin in 2000, with the role of web designer
of her company's site, Wishful
Thinking. Over the past 8 years, we've became
fantastic collaborators working together as
facilitator and graphic facilitator. The kind
of partnership where a look or a few words can
communicate volumes due to our history together.
years ago, Sari and I worked together to present
"An integrated approach: inspired problem
solving through mind, body, people, place"
at the Creative
Problem Solving Institute. This year, she
asked if I'd illustrate this year's solo effort.
Absolutely. Her 2008 topic was "Climate
Setters and Shifters: 10 ways to create a fertile
climate for CPS (Creative Problem Solving)."
loved my
VizThink drawings, and asked for that style.
Sure thing. I'm really pleased and proud of
how joyful and energetic these drawings are
and they're a lovely representation of my experience
working with Sari. You are invited to download
a copy -