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Pamela Meyer's From Workplace to Playspace
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play, organizational development real-time graphic facilitation 80 4'x8' 1 hr 04.10

Pamela Meyer & I have collaborated for over a decade. I've worked with her in the role of web designer, illustrator and most often graphic facilitator. Years ago, Pamela hired me to create illustrations of her dissertation. We worked together to characterize the experiences of her research participants. That circle of nine people became a visual touchstone of that work. Later she developed that work into a new book: From Workplace to Playspace: Innovating, Learning and Changing Through Dynamic Engagement. We created a next iteration of that image as a model that demonstrated the principles of Playspace. I'm very proud to say that that work is on the cover and in the pages of her book. We're currently building on Pamela's consulting experience to develop processes on how to take these ideas into organizations. Please visit Playspace.biz to learn more, watch videos, sign up for the newsletter, all that good stuff.

This particular image is a keynote that introduces just a "thimbleful" as Meyer says of what's in the book.

Graphic facilitator Brandy Agerbeck creates conceptual maps of conversations. Since 1996, her drawing and thinking skills have facilitated groups of 2 to 1000 across industries. Brandy's images help people navigate the complex world around them and bring clarity to their work.

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