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Bruce Turkel's 7 Steps to Building Brand Value
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tourism, branding real-time graphic facilitation 300 4'x6' 1 hr 03.09
Bruce Turkel is one of the very best keynote speakers I've ever seen. I had a great time mapping his talk at the Illinois Governor's Conference on Tourism. I especially love when he demostrate the difference between additive (painting) and subtractive (carving marble) arts and draws the parallel to how we often create ads. Add, add, add until there's a big messy mess. If you don't have an opportunity to hire Bruce to talk, you can learn more about these steps in his book.

Graphic facilitator Brandy Agerbeck creates conceptual maps of conversations. Since 1996, her drawing and thinking skills have facilitated groups of 2 to 1000 across industries. Brandy's images help people navigate the complex world around them and bring clarity to their work.

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