This is my map the session's hands on activity
Bruce Daniel walked us through an exercise to draw
a "glyph-less" map of a common route in our lives.
It was a great activity, and I was thankful to Daniel
for leading us through a guided imagery exercise
first, before putting pen to paper. We were encouraged
to remember the route and locations through all
the senses.
This is my route from my home to the main branch
of the Chicago Public Libraries - Harold Washington
Public Library.
It begins at my apartment in the Edgewater neighborhood
and taking the #147 Express bus. It starts out local
down Sheridan, then zips down Lake Shore Drive,
then local again down Michigan Avenue.
LSD first passes loads of parkland, green with tress,
then in hits a point of blocks and blocks of buildings,
mostly condos.
Near where I exit the bus, stands Anish Kapoor's
sculpture, Cloudgate, the bean on the green on Millennium
Park. The blue water is Lake Michigan. The orange
box is the Loop. The owl represents of of the giant
copper owls decorating the four corners of the library